Hello, my name is Elisabeth. I am a sewer, knitter and Mom of a toddler son. This is my blog to write about my projects and everything else in my life. Nice to have you here!
Donnerstag, 31. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 30 & 31
I like this Jumperskirt. It's cute and fun to wear. I did a little shopping today and bought new shoes. Bought a lot of shoes recently. Nothing new on the sewing front.
The last day. And nothing special. I really ran out of ideas. So I wore some long-time favorite. This skirt was one of the first things I made all by myself. And I like it still.
Ordered some new patterns. Vogue patterns for 3.88 $ each were too tempting, also because I fell in love with one recently. Will show you, when they arrive.
What I made in March 2011

Regency Stays
Fabric: Cotton
Patterns: Sense & Sensibility
Time to complete: 3 hours
First worn: March 2011
Wear again? Not in the next future
I finally finished my Regency stays. In the end they were not so complicated as I thought. If they really are better for the fit of my Regency dresses I am not sure. But it was fun to wear them, although I had the feeling, that I got neck ache from them.

Regency Dress and Bonnet
Fabric: Red silk (leftover from my Rococo garment)
Patterns: Sense & Sensibility and Timely Tresses
Time to complete: 10 hours
First worn: March 2011
Wear again? Not for the next year, I think
I don´t like the dress so much. I think the other option of the pattern looks much better. But it was fun to wear nevertheless. When I finished the bonnet and tried it on, I didn´t like it at all. But with the right hair style it looks adorable. I really love it.

60s Dress
Fabric: Green wool-like fabric
Patterns: Butterick 4699
Time to complete: 3 hours
First worn: -
Oh, don´t ask me, what I think of this dress. I really don´t know. The pattern seemed so fun and adorable, but the finished dress is not so wearable. I think it looks like the aprons my Grandmother wears. So this will be a wear at home dress. I like it nonetheless. Bought the fabric because I wanted to use up the bias tape from the Walk-away-dress.

Fabric: Cotton
Patterns: Butterick 4790
Time to complete: 4 hours
First worn: March 2011
Wear again? Yes
The famous Walk-away-dress. I like the look a lot. It´s so feminine. But walking is a bit difficult. Or maybe that´s only me. I really like this dress, from the sewing to the end result. It´s really easy to make.

Simplicity Skirt
Fabric: Green wool-like fabric
Patterns: Simplicity 2512
Time to complete: 2 hours
First worn: March 2011
Wear again? Yes
I had so much left over from the 60s dress and the red bias tape that I could make a skirt out of it. The pattern was fun to make again. And I think I will wear the skirt more often than the dress.

Lindsey Cape
Fabric: Wool
Patterns: Burdastyle
Time to complete: 4 hours
First worn: March 2011
Wear again? Yes
The pattern was hate. I have problems with Burda patterns every time.So this will be the last for a while. Nevertheless it was a quick project. I bought the fabric and made the cape on the same day. I really like to wear it. Maybe you saw this on my Me-Made-March photos.

40s Bolero
Fabric: Cotton
Patterns: Simplicity 2020
Time to complete: 2 hours
First worn: -
Originally I bought the fabric for my Regency stays, but I had enough corset fabric over for them. So I made this little number out of the white cotton. I think you can never have too many boleros for summer. The pattern is from the 40s. I still have to get used to the shoulders. But I think it will look good with my summer dresses (and the ones I plan to make).

Ratatouille Bag
Fabric: Cotton
Patterns: some free pattern
Time to complete: 1 hour
I made this for a classmate. She saw my shopping bag of the same fabric and asked if I could make her one if she buys the material. And she likes her own so much, that she asked me to make another one.
Dienstag, 29. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 29
Today I wanted something simple. There was nothing special today. I watched a lot of Sailormoon. Tomorrow will be my first day at work after over two weeks. I hope there are no big changes.
Montag, 28. März 2011
Vintage Patterns: The 30s
I have to admit although I really admire the wonderful couture techniques of the 30s it´s not really my style. Maybe it´s to costumy for normal wear. I like vintage looks, but I don´t want to look like I stepped right out of a museum. So despite of this, two repro 30s patterns stole into my stash:
I saw the dress sewn by some other blogger and immediately fell in love. In her version it looks really modern and wearable for everyday. So I give this a try.
The vest was just too cute. And I could imagine this well with my normal wardrobe. And you can never have too many vests. Hope to sew this in autumn or winter this year.
The patterns are both by Eva Dress. They have alot of reproduction patterns from different decades.
I saw the dress sewn by some other blogger and immediately fell in love. In her version it looks really modern and wearable for everyday. So I give this a try.
The vest was just too cute. And I could imagine this well with my normal wardrobe. And you can never have too many vests. Hope to sew this in autumn or winter this year.
The patterns are both by Eva Dress. They have alot of reproduction patterns from different decades.
Me-Made-March: Day 28
I love this dress. It´s unusal, but not over the top for everyday wear. And I wanted to wear my new necklace. The weather was so nice today. But I was a bit tired because of the time change. I will never get used to this. My new skirt pattern came today. I have already a fabric for this in mind. Hopefully I can make it soon. Then I bought new fabric today for one of my 40s patterns. I liked this fabric when I first saw it, but only recently I had the idea what to make out of it.
Sonntag, 27. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 22, 26 & 27
Had to wear my new skirt I made the day before. It was as always fun to wear and I really like the look.
I had to take a break from Me-Made-March, because I was ill. It was no fun to feel sick, when weather outside is so nice. And because I have really no selfmade homewear (have to change this) there was no chance to continue Me-Made-March. So no photos for these three days.
My mother came for a visit. Fortunately I was well enough to go a little shopping. Got a new t-shirt (by Fifi Lapin) and shoes. I was a bit nervous about wearing the hat, but I have it for some time now and never wore it and this day I was in the mood to dress up. I got some compliments on my hat and my outfit, which made me really proud and happy to choose the hat. Oh, and I wear a hat, so my hair is still long, but it looked horrible after being sick.
Visited the fashion exhibition with my Mum again, because she asked for it. It´s so relaxing to visit an exhibiton with my Mum, because like me she has not to scan everything. We watch the things we like sometimes very long, but not every single piece that´s there. It was such a nice weekend. I really miss talking with my Mum for hours and hours about everything we want to. I know you will not read this, but I love you Mum!
Montag, 21. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 21

All the people admired my shoe clips today. It was fun to wear this outfit, the fabric always is an eye catcher. Bought new fabric today and even sewed something. Nice day!
My boyfriend is not here today so I can watch what I want. I can´t believe there are only ten days left and I am not bored by my outfits.
My boyfriend is not here today so I can watch what I want. I can´t believe there are only ten days left and I am not bored by my outfits.
Making Rococo: Shoes
I found the right shoes last year at Harr.de and my boyfriend bought them as a christmas present for me. Till then I was scared to dye them in the right color. I bought silk dye and finally turned them brown yesterday.


I am satisfied with the result. Now I only hope that the color will not come off when it rains, because I can´t iron the shoes to fix the color. And I want to buy some buckles.


I am satisfied with the result. Now I only hope that the color will not come off when it rains, because I can´t iron the shoes to fix the color. And I want to buy some buckles.
Sonntag, 20. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 19 & 20
Second Regency dress for the book fair. I finished it Thursday. I love the bonnet. First when it was finished I thought it looked stupid on me, but with the right hair it looks lovely.
I am a bit sad I got no nice pictures, but we left when it was already dark and had no opportunity to take pictures before that, because we were there with my parents.
Today was election here in our city. So I had a reason to dress up. Maybe a bit over the top for 10 minutes outside. My hair is still messy from the last two days.
Freitag, 18. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 18
Today I was at the bookfair in Leipzig with a friend. I made this Regency dress ages ago and never wear it out. Now was a good opportunity. It was much fun to wear this dress and I was quiet satisfied with my hair, even when the front curls were much cuter at the morning.
Donnerstag, 17. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 16 & 17
I finished my 50s dress and of course had to wear it, when I went to my ballet practice. I was very successful this day, finished not only the dress, but also my Regency stays and bonnet.
Had some problems to find a second selfmade item I could combine, but then I remembered this Jacket. It´s horrible made, but looks cute.
Today is St. Patrick´s Day and I unintentionally sewed a green dress. Could not wear it, because I sewed it after I came back home. The fabric I also bought only today. I also get some shoes for my dress for tomorrow.
The outfit today was simple because I only went into the city to buy ribbon and fabric. Wanted to wear the cape, because I bought the fabric in the same shop and they are always interested to see, what you made out of it.
Mittwoch, 16. März 2011
New Nail polish
While I hunted for the Better than Gel nails set, I bought some of the Essence nail polish that will got out of the sortiment soon. Normally I am no big fan of glitter, but these looked so nice. But getting it off is hard work.
Me-Made-March: Day 15
Something colorful today. One teacher said, I looked like spring. But with this nice weather it would be a shame to not wear colorful clothes. Started to sew a new dress today. Hopefully I can wear it tomorrow. And tomorow my free time starts. It´s only three days, but I hope to finish some sewing. Still have to make things for the book fair at Friday and Saturday.
Montag, 14. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 13 & 14
I wanted something springy. The weather is so nice at the moment. It´s so much fun to wear skirts. I know strawberries are not so much spring, but this was the best I had.
I like my 50s skirt more and more every time I wear it. Unfortunately it´s not so practical for work (you have to be very cautios to not swirl things on the floor), but today was school so I could wear it. It seems I have a lot of black and white in my closet.
Review: Essence Better than gel nails
Essence recently launched a new product called Better than gel nails. I had the luck to grab the last set at my local drogery store. The set contains the nail tips, a nail file, nail tip glue, base sealer, top sealer and remover.
Applying: It was not so hard as imagined. The tip size was okay. I only had the problem, that I needed the same size for two fingers. The gluing was a bit fiddle, but even me could manage it. Next steps were easier. All in all it was a bit time consuming. Perfect for a weekend.
Wearing: At first I was not so happy with the look. For me French nails look a bit extreme. Normally I wear bright colors. So this is a personal thing. Wearing was okay. I had no strange feeling with the tips.
At the package they say, it holds up to 10 days. I applied it at a Saturday. The first nail tip came off Wednesday. At Friday I had to take off the rest. I think a week is not so bad, especially with all the things I make with my hands. Office life can be really cruel to nails and sewing too.
Taking off: This was a bit annoying, but all in all easy. It take a bit longer than they wrote, but after 10 minutes all was off. The nails and fingers felt a bit strange afterwards.
In the end for 10 € I am very satisfied with this product. It looks good several days. Wearing was not unnerving like I feared. So I will use them again, if our shops ever get the nail tips, because you need new ones every time.
Sonntag, 13. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 11 & 12
I really like this blouse. It´s not my usual style and not my color, but I like it nevertheless. The skirt really is a wardrobe stable. I definitely need more black skirts.
I made these shorts a long while ago and wore it only once. Somehow I then didn´t like the look. I rediscovered them and now I like them a lot and think that they match my current style. The outfit is a bit crazy with flowers and check and these hippie shoes (found them on sale for 7 €), but somehow I like it.
This week I love my hair. The curls (or later waves) looked good every day.
Donnerstag, 10. März 2011
Lenting season
Me-Made-March: Day 9 and 10

This outfit was all about my new cape. Made it the day before. I like the look. Will write more about it in later post. Sorry for the bad photo, I will try to make some nice ones at the weekend.

I finally ironed my red Pendrell blouse. At work they said I reminded them of Carmen or some Spanish lolita. The more I wore my Beignet skirts the more I like them. They are so comfortable.
My vintage patterns I so long waited for arrived today. So I am getting near to show you my collection.
And I loved my hair today. The soft waves were so beautiful.
Dienstag, 8. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 8
Ok, so black and white again. But I wear my red Lady Grey coat. I was fabric shopping today and even finished something. Will show you soon. And I curled my hair again. This time I used another method and I am really satisfied with the outcome.
Montag, 7. März 2011
Make-up: Basics
These are the things I use for the basics.

So at first I have to admit I use no real make-up but cream with a bit coloring. I like it more than real make-up, because it´s lighter. At the moment I try to use up the Nivea one. I really like the one by Bebe. It feels so light.

These are the things I use almost daily. When I have no time to bother with foundation I use only powder, for the eyes a bit mascara and leaving the eyeshadow and of course a bit rouge to look healthy (my skin is so pale I really look a bit ill if I don´t add rouge). I found this rouge a while ago in a sale and I love the color. It looks so natural on my face.

The brushes are by ecotools. They are really great. They are so easy to handle and I am very satisfied with the results.

So at first I have to admit I use no real make-up but cream with a bit coloring. I like it more than real make-up, because it´s lighter. At the moment I try to use up the Nivea one. I really like the one by Bebe. It feels so light.

These are the things I use almost daily. When I have no time to bother with foundation I use only powder, for the eyes a bit mascara and leaving the eyeshadow and of course a bit rouge to look healthy (my skin is so pale I really look a bit ill if I don´t add rouge). I found this rouge a while ago in a sale and I love the color. It looks so natural on my face.

The brushes are by ecotools. They are really great. They are so easy to handle and I am very satisfied with the results.
Me-Made-March: Day 7
Sorry for this crappy pic. I had no good opportunity to make a better one. It´s a simple outfit, nothing special. Maybe in the next days I should wear something other than black and white.
Sonntag, 6. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 5 & 6
I like black and white outfits, because they are so easy to handle. You don´t have to think much about matching colors and accessoires. Oh, and I own a lot of black.
I love this skirt since I made it. It´s cute and comfortable to wear. The Pendrell blouse matchs it really good.
The skirt I made a while ago, but never liked very much. Then I decided that it was only to long and shorted it. Now I like it much more.
Freitag, 4. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 4
Nothing special today. The skirt is really a favorite of mine. It´s very comfy and I love the fabric.
I am a bit tired now, so no big blah blah today.
Exhibition: Veronika der Lenz ist da
Here in Halle there currently is an exhibition about the 20s. It´s all about lifestyle and fashion. I was there yesterday with my boyfriend.
They have many dresses and accessoires. The things are so beautifuly made, but I had to realize at the moment it´s really not my style. But never say never.
They had some information about Halle at the time. The dresses were sort by occassion. I loved the swimwear. Oh, and they had so many cute hats. Wish I could have tried them on. Another highlight for me was the typewriter (I am a secretary by heart) and the stockings. It´s so fascinating how fine the dresses were made. All these tiny embellishments.
So if you have the opportunity to visit this exhibition, I really recommend it to you. The prices are really low, as always in the Kunstforum Halle.
Unfortunately you were not allowed to make photos, so here only one from the outside.
They have many dresses and accessoires. The things are so beautifuly made, but I had to realize at the moment it´s really not my style. But never say never.
They had some information about Halle at the time. The dresses were sort by occassion. I loved the swimwear. Oh, and they had so many cute hats. Wish I could have tried them on. Another highlight for me was the typewriter (I am a secretary by heart) and the stockings. It´s so fascinating how fine the dresses were made. All these tiny embellishments.
So if you have the opportunity to visit this exhibition, I really recommend it to you. The prices are really low, as always in the Kunstforum Halle.
Unfortunately you were not allowed to make photos, so here only one from the outside.
Donnerstag, 3. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 3

After I got some inspiration about the 20s from the movie yesterday (Easy Virtue) I visited an exhibition about fashion and lifestyle of this time today (will post about it tomorrow). As I wished to look more like a Flapper girl I realized I really have no selfmade 20s like dresses. So I stayed with elegant and wore my second beignet skirt. I got many compliments at work for the skirt. Sewed it last year in September and never wear it since. I think my style really changed till then, because now I love to wear my skirts over my blouses.
For a change another blouse today. I wear it not so often, but love the fabric. It´s a Japanese pattern.
Bad thing today was, that the heel of my boot broke. I am a bit angry because the shoes were really expensive.
Bad thing today was, that the heel of my boot broke. I am a bit angry because the shoes were really expensive.
Review: Sew Stylish

When I read that one of my favorite bloggers contributed to the current issue of the Sew Stylish magazine I had to buy it. I have to say that the shop site and shipping costs are quite okay for international costumers.
The magazine is mostly about technique. You can learn a lot about changing patterns and in this issue about hems. Then there are some articles about remodel thrifted clothing. I think the ideas were interesting, my problem is, that I really don´t like most of the finished garments.
All in all this is more for beginners, but even experienced sewers can learn something out of it. I don´t regret buying it, but will not buy future issues.
Mittwoch, 2. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 2
Don´t know what the inspiration for today was, maybe spring. Originally I didn´t plan to wear this blouse again, but I had no other one to match the skirt. I love this skirt ever and ever again. It´s so much fun with the ruffles.
Dienstag, 1. März 2011
Me-Made-March: Day 1

Todays outfit is inspired by 40s fashion. I discovered this skirt in my closet. Made it for our summer party at work (see here) and never wore it since. Which really is a shame. It´s so comfortable and looks so classy. Pattern is Beignet by Colette patterns. Yesterday I made my hair in curls. Tried some new methods and I really like the outcome. The blouse is one of my first pieces. Sewed it together with my Mum.
Sorry for the bad pic with bad background. My boyfriend was so nice to take it this morning before I had to go to school. I still can´t believe that I had time for make-up, dressing, making my hair and taking photos and got my tram at seven o´clock.
Sorry for the bad pic with bad background. My boyfriend was so nice to take it this morning before I had to go to school. I still can´t believe that I had time for make-up, dressing, making my hair and taking photos and got my tram at seven o´clock.
Plans for March 2011
This time with photos.

40s blouse

Walk-away dress (Butterick 4790)

Regency Dress and bonnet
- 40s sundress
- Cape by Burdastyle
And of course it´s Me-Made-March, so watch out for outfit pictures.

40s blouse

Walk-away dress (Butterick 4790)

Regency Dress and bonnet
- 40s sundress
- Cape by Burdastyle
And of course it´s Me-Made-March, so watch out for outfit pictures.
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